Rutgers Bus Analysis

Analysis by Akash Dubey

Group Members: Charles Tang, Nathaniel Correa, Akash Dubey, and Khang Nguyen



For our Honors College Forum Social Impact Plan, our group aimed to improve traffic efficiency at Rutgers New Brunswick. Since the primary form of transportation for students is the Rutgers bus system, we decided to analyze the bus data to identify inefficiencies and propose solutions.

Data Collection

I decided to use the PassioGo API which is used to get real-time bus data. (I contributed to the Python API for it as well) I collected data for a week by running a script that would get the data every 30 seconds and store it in a CSV file. This script ran on Azure and was then used in the analysis.


I used Jupyter Notebooks to analyze the data. Since this is a lot of data, I started by looking at specific parts of the data. I created visualizations and found important transportation metrics using the data.
